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Curtis in his Austin Studio (Photograph courtesy of Nils Juul-Hansen)

Curtis varnishing Young Mozart in Studio Laluna (parked in Packwood, WA).

Curtis tending booth at the Art Fair at Laumeier Sculpture Park, May '05

Curtis playing air guitar with his buds at Cincinnati Summerfair, June 2004.

Curtis puts the finishing touches on Mad Cap, with Harvestore on deck. 

April 2004: Curtis in Studio P at The Awarehouse, Austin, Texas.

June 2003: Curtis puts the finishing touches on Sète (Midi #2).

January 2003: Curtis painting Bud's Liquid Feeds #2 with Big Grain Elevator on the table in the foreground

March 2002: Curtis at work on Las Cruces VI outside his mobile studio in the Arizona desert

June 2002: Curtis painting Cape Blanco Lighthouse #2 as Pikl patiently awaits the finished composition


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